Search results for References by policht, r.
Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2016. Sex and species recognition by wild male southern white rhinoceros using contact pant calls. Animal Cognition 19 (2): 375-386 - doi:10.​1007/​s10071-015-0940-7


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2014. Contact calls of the Northern and Southern White Rhinoceros allow for individual and species identification. PLoS ONE 9 (6) e98475: 1-12


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2014. Discrimination of familiarity and sex from chemical cues in the dung by wild southern white rhinoceros. Animal Cognition 18 (1): 385-392


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2013. Identity, species and sex-specific information is contained in the contact calls of northern and southern white rhinoceros. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin 2013, p.46


Cinkova, I.; Policht, R., 2013. Wild southern white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum) are able to recognise information about familiarity and sex in the dung of their conspecifics. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin 2013, p.47


Policht, R.; Tomasova, K.; Holeckova, D.; Frynta, D., 2008. The vocal repertoire in northern white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum cottoni as recorded in the last surviving herd. Bioacoustics 18 (1): 69-96, figs. 1-15


Policht, R.; Tomasova, K.; Holeckova, D.; Frynta, D., 2007. Hlasovy repertoar nosorozce sirikohubeho severniho (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) vyzkum na posledni chvili S. Proceedings 34 etologicka konference, Slovenske Centrum, Niha: p. 35
